This system will send to random opt-in prospects with a single click. You can chose to send 200 - 500 or 1000 random prospects at once. If you click on '200 random leads' you can send 5 times a day - if you click '500 random leads' you can send 2 times a day or if you click on ' send to all' you can use the mailer only once a day - that's very important to remember!

The mailer will randomly select different prospects from the entire database of leads on every send!

Using the system more than described above your account will get closed without notice!

Just fill in the boxes below with your ad information - you can use ~FIRSTNAME~ and it will automatically put in the firstname of the prospects.



I will NOT recommend that you use an affiliate url or your own website url - instead use the highly recommended link cloaker, to prevent affiliate hijackers. CLICK HERE


Send to 200 random leads   Send to 500 random leads   Send to 1000+ random leads

Your ad will go out to selected prospects for

Subject line:


Ad body (text only NO html)

Do NOT remove the disclaimer!

Website URL:

Your email:

Make Money Online Reviews